


As is well known, cement imitation wood railing is a reinforced concrete material structure. The finished cement imitation wood railing guardrail is made by selecting raw materials such as steel bars, cement, sand, and gravel from the cement imitation wood railing manufacturer through mold equipment. So when selecting ecological cement imitation wooden guardrails, it is important to first understand from the production process at the source, and it is particularly crucial to choose which raw materials to use to make environmentally friendly imitation wooden guardrails. The raw materials and production construction process directly depend on the service life of the cement imitation wood railing.
Quality standard for national standard cement imitation wood railing:
1、 Raw materials. The raw materials required for producing cement imitation wooden railings include building steel bars, cement, sand and gravel, and river sand. It is necessary to understand the quantity and thickness of steel bars used by cement imitation wood guardrail manufacturers, which can affect the firmness of the imitation wood guardrail. Is the cement ordinary fast drying cement or high-grade 42.5R cement. Generally, legitimate large manufacturers will use high standard 42.5R cement, with a standard placement ratio of steel bars. Although the cost is high, it has a very good sturdy strength for the imitation wood guardrail, which increases the service life of the cement imitation wood guardrail.
2、 Production and construction technology: During production and construction, strict standards must be followed for the proportion and formula of raw materials and the reasonable use of production equipment. This depends on the management system of the imitation wood railing manufacturer and the proficiency and experience of technical personnel.
3、 Maintenance period of imitation wood railing products: It is necessary to wait for the product to dry thoroughly according to the standard time before demolding, check the appearance of the rough imitation wood railing for compliance, and then place it in the product maintenance area for regular maintenance. During the product maintenance cycle, water should be poured on time to strengthen the hardness and appearance of the railing. The product has not passed the maintenance cycle and cannot be put into market use to avoid affecting the quality and safety of the product.
When selecting cement imitation wooden railings, friends not only need to look at the appearance and surface of the product to see if there is any damage, but also need to know whether the product is produced by a legitimate cement imitation wooden railing manufacturer, whether there is a business license or other production approval information, and a comprehensive selection of business hours
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